
Last Sunday’s Prog on BBC Sounds

Sun 26 January, BBC Radio Wales Broadcast

Mark’s Gospel Series Part 52, 12:1-12 ‘The Parable of the Tenant Farmer’

"Genuinely the most transformational biography I have read."

Mark Series Part 47, Mark 10: 46-52 “The Blind Man Who Truly Sees”

Mark Series Part 42, Mark 10: 13-16 “Do Not Hinder The Children” (Sean Stillman)

BBC Radio Wales 'Thought for the Week' Sean Stillman, 30.9.24

Sean's MA Dissertation available to download

A Community Gathered

Sean's Book Tour Footage from Swansea, September 2018

“I believe, help me in my unbelief”. Reflections from Mark’s Gospel 9:14-32

BBC RADIO WALES 'Parkinson's & Me' Listening Options

BBC Radio Wales 'Parkinson's & Me' documentary featuring Sean's story to be broadcast again.