Sean's Book Tour Footage from Swansea, September 2018

Six years ago God's Biker was published by SPCK. In support of its publication Sean did a short tour visiting Luton, Leicester, Manchester, West Bromwich, Bristol, Reading and concluding in Swansea.

We've discovered that the live feed from the Swansea event, at The Hyst, is still available  on their Facebook Page. Sean begins his presentation at about 35 mins into the recording, after singer songwriter Phil James introduces the evening. Sean and Phil have worked alongside each other in many settings overs the years, including  in bars, theatres and prisons.

Sean speaking on stage at The Hyst venue to a crowd of people

It was a very special evening in a packed out venue with people from all the various connecting points of Sean's life. It rounded off a great week on the road. It was also very reminiscent of the early 'pub years' of Zac's Place in Swansea from 1998-2004 and brought a many of that community together again

Did you come to one of the events? Thank you for supporting them and reading God's Biker if you did as a result.

Of course, six years ago, this was Sean's pre-Parkinson's diagnosis, but he was beginning to experience symptoms. Looking at the schedule now and the physical and emotional demands of public speaking in a difference place every day, this is very much in the past - a sobering reality of how Sean has had to modify how he does things. But we hope that through both older material such as this, and new items that Sean will post, they will continue to challenge and encourage people, despite him not being able to speak in a context such as this so easily or regularly these days.

If the video below doesn't auto play from around 35mins, Sean's presentations starts then. Phil's set of a few songs begins at around 15m20s