In what seems to be a quaint story of Jesus healing a paralysed man brought to him by four really committed mates, we discover that a tension begins to emerge that will eventually lead to Jesus’ execution.
This week Sean, GSCMC International President, chooses to put the spotlight on three of the main points in this story. Who were the ‘crowds’ that gathered around Jesus exactly? What was the tension really all about between Jesus and the religious elite and thirdly what was Jesus on about referring to himself as the ‘son of man’?
The resulting challenge from this story encourages us to consider who are the marginalised crowds that would gather around Jesus today and where do we place ourselves in this story of a paralysed man being brought to Jesus by a few committed mates with faith.
You can read the relevant bible passage, Mark 2:1-12 online at:
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• Marks Gospel Series and also find 150+ additional bible reflections and stories, from various God’s Squad members around the world.
This presentation, and many of the previous and following ones in this series that Sean will present, includes references, quotes and research from the following sources;
Meeting God in Mark, Rowan Williams, 2014.
Binding the Strong Man, Ched Myers, 1998, (2008 edition)
Mark, Paideia Commentary on the New Testament, Mary Ann Beavis, 2011.
The Gospel of Mark, The New International Commentary on the New Testament, William L. Lane, 1974.
The Gospel According to St. Mark, Black’s New Testament Commentaries, Morna D. Hooker, 1981, (2003 edition)
Life on the Road, Athol Gill, 1992.
Mark, New International Biblical Commentary, Larry W. Hurtado, 1983, (1998 edition).
Sean’s research on the interpretation of ‘The Crowd’ was particularly shaped by Ched Myer’s referencing of the Korean theologian Byung-mu’s study on this subject.